Private Information Reclamation (PIR) is one of the fundamental security requirements for database outsourcing. A major threat is information hacking form database access patterns generated by query executions used by the data base server. The standard private information Reclamation schemes which are widely regarded as theoretical solutions, entail o (n) computational overhead per query for a data base with n items. Latest research methodologies proposed to safeguard access patterns by establishing a trusted component with constant storage size. The resulting privacy assurance is a strong as private information Reclamation (PIR), through with o (1) online computation cost, they still contains o (n) amortized value per query due to sporadically occupied database shuffles. In this research work, a novel scheme in the same model with provable security, which only shuffles a portion of the database without storage, the amortized server computational complexity is reduced than previous algorithm. Our scheme can protect the access pattern privacy of database of billions of entries, at lower cost.